Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Cute little old fogies

Tonight I was making supper. What was I making, you may ask? Spaghetti and Macaroni and Cheese. I cannot have spaghetti without Macaroni and Cheese. It's just not right. Anyways, I ran out of spaghetti sauce, so I sent my dad to the Dollar General to get a jar of Prego Spaghetti Sauce. He brought some back, but looked slightly stressed and rushed. There were people in trouble, and that just does not fly with my dad.
There were two old people who had stopped at the dollar store because their car had been acting weird. One of the belts had jumped off of whatever it was supposed to be on. I'm not exactly sure what that means because I'm a girl and therefore not required to know what belts go where and what their functions are. But I do know one thing... there were too very old people, like in their nineties old, and they were stuck at the dollar general in an increasingly darkening evening.
So my dad goes back to the Dollar General to see if he can fix it. I had to call BOB, the local auto mechanic, but he didn't answer. So who else do we call? BOBBY, the other auto mechanic. BOB and BOBBY have no relation, just in case you're wondering. So they find out that the belt was out of place because the water pump (which I assume pumps water) was bad. So BOBBY had to take the car to the shop, but the old people wanted to go home, because they were like ninety, and all really old people go to sleep at sundown and wake up at sunup. Proven fact. So they get their stuff out of their car and grab their little weiner dog, who is really cute may I add, and try to get into my dad's car so he can take them home (he offered, they didn't just jump in the car). It was a fail, because my dad's car was really dirty and gross becasue it's his work car, so I let him use mine. The cute little old guy was so worried that I wouldn't let the weiner dog in my car. If he would have looked really close at my seats he would have noticed the thick layer of puggy hair from when they ride with me on random trips. So my dad was off to Bonita, a little bitty town northwest of Muenster that has a population of about 10.
Basically the main point of the story is to say that I'm proud of my family for being such nice people. When I'm ninety I hope that someone like my dad stops to make sure that my husband, me, and my weiner dog pugs are okay.

Caitlyn Bailee


  1. I love the Prego reminds me of preggo. and that you like spaghetti and macaroni.

    And you're dad is super nice. he's my fav.

  2. Oh and the bob thing doesnt surprise me one bit.

  3. Caitlyn,
    Glad you found me...I did not take a picture of your boyfriend...sorry. The only ones in front of the store that day was my family and we were walking along the street. Maybe someone else will blog about him.
    We love Muenster...will look you up next time!
